Sunday, March 29, 2009

Genetic Variety

Genetic Variety is where there are alot of different genes. Like when you have genes from your mom and dad. You also have genes from your grandparents and great grandparents and so-on. Genetic variety played an important role in our reebops by making all of the different traits. Your F1 bug could be totally different than your F2 bug. But your F3 bug could look almost exactly the same as your F1 bug. Like with me, my P1 bug has long legs, but my F1 and F2 have short legs. You could see the variety by looking at the genotypes on the back of the bugs. Each color represents a gamete coming from someone. You could have not of come in contact with that person and have their gene in one of your bugs. Most people in our class had one of almost everyones genes. Without genetic variety the bugs would be all the same and boring.

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