Friday, May 8, 2009

May 4-9

This week we concluded the cockroach experiment. We concluded that they maybe colorblind, it prefers rough surfaces to climb on with its suction cups. They prefer darker areas, but to walk on it doesn't prefer any surface. Also hissing only occurs with physical provoction not emotional provoction. Smaller roaches run faster. Finally they are able to move two times their own weight. After this we moved into the evolution unit. We did three simulations to understand evolution. One simulation was with a blue jay was trying to eat moths. That we could understand was focusing around how moths were adapting to a dark brown color and not white. If it were white then it would be seen more easily and eatin more often. So more moths were being dark brown like the tree so they could survive and hide in camouflage. It was the basic idea with the other two simulations. After we finished the simulations we talked about how if the organism stays in an enviroment its most suited in it will live and reproduce and prosper. If its not in the right enviroment they will most likely die and not reproduce. But the gene of that organism might be past down to other organisms if the new organism is heterozygous.

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